Celebrating National Diabetes Week

The team at Twisted was really excited to celebrate National Diabetes week last week, it was used by Diabetes Australia to have Australia’s biggest conversation about the impact of diabetes. We think this is a really important conversation to have and is one we want to be a part of.

Diabetes Australia have shared lots of information regarding how diabetes affects Australians and it is very clear from this information that it is a illness that should be taken seriously and spoken about more. We’ve gathered some quick facts to share with you from Diabetes Australia to demonstrate the gravity of this disease and how it affects our country:

  • There are almost 1.9 million Australians living with diabetes

  • There are up to 500,000 Australians living with silent type 2 diabetes

  • Almost 120 Australians have developed diabetes in the past year

  • More than 300 Australians develop diabetes every day, that’s one person every five minutes

  • The total annual cost impact of diabetes in Australia is estimated at $17.6 billion

At Twisted, part of our mission is that we want to provide healthy, decadent treats for everyone to enjoy without having to think about added refined sugars. Because of this, it is important for us to have products that can be directly accessible to the diabetic community.

The product range we have created that caters to the diabetic community is our sugar free Licks ice cream sticks! This product contains zero added sugar, 1.6g – 1.9g of carbs per serve, with a coconut cream base for healthy fats and depth of flavour. They come in the following yummy flavours:


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